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New Themes

New Themes

Wikipedia Theme for Wiki 2.0 / Big font in title (see pic) / Horizontal lines appearing.

posts: 10

1) We are running TikiWiki 2.0 and have applied the WIikipedia theme, but the title of the page comes out in large/big letters (font). How do I get rid of that?

2) How can I do to get rid of the horizontal lines (see pic too)?

Thanks a lot,


posts: 254 Japan

Sorry but I don't see a pic to check. The page title in the Tikipedia theme (version for TikiWiki 2 — be sure to use this version and not the one specified for Tiki 1.9 and older), is the normal font size, plus a strong tag, so I don't know what would cause it to appear larger. You should be sure to clear your caches (tiki-admin_system.php) between theme changes if there is some strange appearance.

Also I'm not sure what line you're referring to. Please post a link to an image or attach the image (I moved your post to the New Themes forum, which accepts attachments.)

-- Gary

posts: 10

Hi Gary - thanks as always! see the attached pic.

I have another problem: I am getting two inboxs, the one up on the right (as part of Tikipedia Theme) and a second one which I dont have added as a module, menu. I am sure I have not that second selected anywhere and cannot find the way to get rid of it.

1) We are running TikiWiki 2.0 and have applied the WIikipedia theme, but the title of the page comes out in large/big letters (font). How do I get rid of that?

2) How can I do to get rid of the horizontal lines (see pic too)?

Thanks a lot,


posts: 10

Gary, here I am attaching a second pic. title comes up in big letters... how do I change that? Oswaldo

1) We are running TikiWiki 2.0 and have applied the WIikipedia theme, but the title of the page comes out in large/big letters (font). How do I get rid of that?

2) How can I do to get rid of the horizontal lines (see pic too)?

Thanks a lot,
