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Flash Drop Menu in Theme: Planetfall (Help Please.)

posts: 3

I was having trouble finding a good drop down menu and finding someone who could help me install it. I liked the drop menu on this site itself but could find no information on it. So if someone could at least send me the link to a good horizontal drop menu with instructions on installing it I would be very grateful.

If not here is my idea...

So I decided to try something I know I'm good at. Can someone tell me if it's possible to add a flash menu instead? It's an idea, but personal I don't think it'll work but it doesn't hurt to find out.

-Thank you.

posts: 254 Japan

The dropdown menu used on this site is a PHP Layers menu that is part of the Tiki package. It has kind of a heavy overhead but does the job pretty well. Its big plus is that it is already integrated into Tiki's menu admin configuration, so a standard menu can be used as a PHP Layers horizontal or vertical menu very easily. See doc.tw.o/Menus for information on menus. To have a PHP Layers dropdown, use a tag like {phplayers id=43 type=horiz} in a template (like tiki.tpl or tiki-top_bar.tpl) or in a module (with type=vert).

As for a Flash menu, it should work. You can edit a template to insert the Flash code, or maybe use the Site Identity custom code feature. Actually I did a little work on adapting a Nuke theme to Tiki that had a Flash menu integrated already. I couldn't edit the .swf file, but just for fun made some destination files that matched its Nuke-style menu links. Not very useful, but it worked fine.

-- Gary

posts: 3

The dropdown menu used on this site is a PHP Layers menu that is part of the Tiki package. It has kind of a heavy overhead but does the job pretty well. Its big plus is that it is already integrated into Tiki's menu admin configuration, so a standard menu can be used as a PHP Layers horizontal or vertical menu very easily. See doc.tw.o/Menus for information on menus. To have a PHP Layers dropdown, use a tag like {phplayers id=43 type=horiz} in a template (like tiki.tpl or tiki-top_bar.tpl) or in a module (with type=vert).

As for a Flash menu, it should work. You can edit a template to insert the Flash code, or maybe use the Site Identity custom code feature. Actually I did a little work on adapting a Nuke theme to Tiki that had a Flash menu integrated already. I couldn't edit the .swf file, but just for fun made some destination files that matched its Nuke-style menu links. Not very useful, but it worked fine.

-- Gary

Thanks a lot. You helped me understand a bit about Tiki. There are a ton of feature to deal with if you know what I mean.

However I have one more question. My Tiki page: http://terrachaos.com/home

It says "phplayers are not available on this site" how may I fix this?

posts: 254 Japan

Thanks a lot. You helped me understand a bit about Tiki. There are a ton of feature to deal with if you know what I mean.

However I have one more question. My Tiki page: http://terrachaos.com/home

It says "phplayers are not available on this site" how may I fix this?

On the Admin Features page (tiki-admin.php?page=features), check the "PHP Layers dynamic menus" box.

-- Gary

posts: 1
thanks, usefull topic, maybe add this info to the readme file that comes with the theme?