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Tiki Design

Adding external js menu

posts: 3


I have a Blog with a javascript menu and I wanted to add the same menu in the same place to my Wiki. I have tried altering the header.tpl but the best I get is the menu outside the design at the top.

PS I am using Kubrick as a theme.

Any suggestions?

posts: 3


I have a Blog with a javascript menu and I wanted to add the same menu in the same place to my Wiki. I have tried altering the header.tpl but the best I get is the menu outside the design at the top.

PS I am using the Kubrick theme on my Wiki

Any suggestions?

posts: 254 Japan

In the Kubrick theme, to put the menu in the same place it's at on your blog page, you need to edit the templates/styles/kubrick/tiki.tpl file, around line 17. You can replace the phplayers menu tag that's there by default with your menu script. (Tiki's header.tpl file actually is mostly for holding the html head section of the page.)

Any javascript being added to the template must be surrounded with ~np~{literal} {/literal} tags in order to work.

-- Gary