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planetfall confusion

posts: 2
I have installed planetfall and have been having problems. The menu issue was easy to setup but I cannot get the top bar with the menu images to show up. Also it goes really wide when using the theme it doesn't stay in a fixed width when using it. Any ideas thanks.
posts: 254 Japan

It's kind of hard to know what the problem is without seeing the site and/or knowing more details. Is it possible to give the URL here? Do the menu links show up at all? I'm wondering if the PHP Layers tag in templates/styles/planetfall/tiki.tpl is set correctly.

The theme is a liquid layout and will stretch horizontally to accomodate wide center-column content. (This is so large images in galleries won't break the pages, etc.) Pages with text and small objects will stick to a set width, but wide content will widen the page rather than get cut off or overlap a margin. If every page is wide for no apparent reason, that would be a problem, but if pages are just getting pushed wide by wide tables or images or maybe floating div situations, etc., that is normal behavior. Again, it'd be good to see the site to know.

-- Gary

posts: 2

It's kind of hard to know what the problem is without seeing the site and/or knowing more details. Is it possible to give the URL here? Do the menu links show up at all? I'm wondering if the PHP Layers tag in templates/styles/planetfall/tiki.tpl is set correctly.

The theme is a liquid layout and will stretch horizontally to accomodate wide center-column content. (This is so large images in galleries won't break the pages, etc.) Pages with text and small objects will stick to a set width, but wide content will widen the page rather than get cut off or overlap a margin. If every page is wide for no apparent reason, that would be a problem, but if pages are just getting pushed wide by wide tables or images or maybe floating div situations, etc., that is normal behavior. Again, it'd be good to see the site to know.

-- Gary

What is happening on mine is the silver_bg.jpg background for the top menu bar is not showing up and I cannot figure out why everything else is working ok.

posts: 254 Japan
What is happening on mine is the silver_bg.jpg background for the top menu bar is not showing up and I cannot figure out why everything else is working ok.

Sorry for the delay.

Try editing the templates/planetfall/tiki.tpl file at around line 24, to delete the first forward slash in the table background URL. (Change "/styles/planetfall/silver_background.jpg" to "styles/planetfall/silver_background.jpg".) I thought I fixed this a while back but I guess I didn't.

-- Gary