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Tikipedia question

posts: 2 United Kingdom

I can't believe my luck! My favourite "look" for my (new) favourite CMS.

One of the things I really like about the theme is the tabs, like the ones that let you choose edit/discuss/etc. in Wikipedia. I see you have that on the Tikipedia page as well, but I can't figure out where to set them.

Any suggestions?


posts: 254 Japan

I can't believe my luck! My favourite "look" for my (new) favourite CMS.

One of the things I really like about the theme is the tabs, like the ones that let you choose edit/discuss/etc. in Wikipedia. I see you have that on the Tikipedia page as well, but I can't figure out where to set them.

Any suggestions?


These links are displayed depending on what features are set for the wiki pages and what permissions the visitor has. This can be configured on the Administration > Wiki page (tiki-admin.php?page=wiki), and on the pages for setting group permissions and the particular page permissions, and so on.

Normally in Tiki these appear below the page content but were moved up in Tikipedia to emulate the Mediawiki/Wikipedia look (its default Monobook theme).

Is this what you were asking? If not, please post again. 😊

-- Gary

posts: 2 United Kingdom

Mmmm, I think that's what I'm after. I don't have any pages/articles yet, and I'm still developing on localhost, because I can't get past the install script on my hosted server, so it's a little hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure that answers the question. I'll give it a shot when I do get TW installed, and I'll let you know if I have any problems.

Thanks Gary!

posts: 2

I've got the Tikiwiki installed but am having a problem getting the discussions thing working right. I'm brand new to Tikiwiki, so I'm guessing I have a permission setting wrong somewhere. This is the error message I'm getting when I click on a "discuss" link on a page:

Notice: Undefined index: password in //wiki/tiki-view_forum.php on line 273

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at //wiki/tiki-view_forum.php:273) in //wiki/tiki-view_forum.php on line 411

Just to be clear, I'm trying to have individual discussions on each page. I'm guessing this is what the "discuss" option gives me, similar to wikipedia.


posts: 2


Just a follow-up to my last post above. Is the "discuss" tab at the top of the page supposed to show the comments feature or the forums feature?

If it is the forums feature, assuming I can fix the error above, are the list of topics restricted to just that page?

(aslo in the error message above, where it shows "//" this was were I stuck in my local website file address, but I did it using HTML greater than-less than signs so it stripped them out).



posts: 254 Japan


Just a follow-up to my last post above. Is the "discuss" tab at the top of the page supposed to show the comments feature or the forums feature?

Clicking the "discuss" tab starts a new forum thread (or loads an existing one) for discussing that particular wiki page. This is the "Discuss pages on forums" item on the Admin Wiki page (tiki-admin.php?page=wiki). This is about the same functionality as Mediawiki's "discussion" link in that the discussion takes place on a separate page rather than at the bottom of the actual wiki page, although in Tiki's case the forum is used. If this isn't the way you want page discussions to be handled, you can deactivate that feature.

To make/read comments at the bottom of the wiki page itself, click the "add comment" tab. This is also enabled on the Admin Wiki page; under "Wiki features" there's a "Comments" checkbox.

If it is the forums feature, assuming I can fix the error above, are the list of topics restricted to just that page?

Well, a new, unique thread is created for each wiki page the first time its "discuss" link is clicked. The thread has the same name as the wiki page. To configure this feature, you have to specify what forum to use, on the Admin Wiki page. Subsequent clicks on the page's "discuss" tab take you to that forum thread.

(aslo in the error message above, where it shows "//" this was were I stuck in my local website file address, but I did it using HTML greater than-less than signs so it stripped them out).

I don't know the reason for the PHP messages. As a "notice" and "warning" rather than "error", your site should still function OK I think and normal users probably won't see these messages. There's a "PHP error reporting level for non-admin" config setting on the Admin: General page.

-- Gary