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New Themes

New Themes

Themes don't apply?

posts: 1

I just installed tikiwiki and am playing around getting familiar with it. I'm trying to modify a theme, but when I switch to it, none of my changes appear.

I hacked away at that for a while before I decided to try switching to one of the bundled themes. They don't appear either.

If I enable the Edit CSS feature and display it within the admin pages, it shows the updated css, but it doesn't effect the page layout at all.

Any ideas?

posts: 254 Japan

The "Edit CSS" feature isn't working in TikiWiki 2.*, as far as I know. Stylesheets should be edited locally and transfered or copied to the server.

Normally when the stylesheet is edited and uploaded, the changes appear with the next page refresh. If the edits don't show up, it might be necessary to flush the site caches (tiki-admin_system.php), but usually this isn't the case for CSS file changes.

-- Gary