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New Themes

New Themes

Andreas09 & TW2.2

posts: 5 United Kingdom

Hello all,

I have just got round to updating my TW site from 1.9.8 to 2.2. I was using the Andreas09 theme with modified colours.

However since updating my site has lost all style information when Andreas09 is selected.

The style is fine if I select from the bundled stylesheets but is completely lost for the Andreas theme. I have tried to remove the existing Andreas09 associated files and add the new Andres09 for TW2 files but it makes no difference.

I'm sure I've forgotten to do something fairly simple. Any ideas?

Here are links to the before and after screenshots.

Any pointers appreciated!


posts: 15 Catalan Countries

Hello all,

I have just got round to updating my TW site from 1.9.8 to 2.2. I was using the Andreas09 theme with modified colours.

However since updating my site has lost all style information when Andreas09 is selected.

The style is fine if I select from the bundled stylesheets but is completely lost for the Andreas theme. I have tried to remove the existing Andreas09 associated files and add the new Andres09 for TW2 files but it makes no difference.

I'm sure I've forgotten to do something fairly simple. Any ideas?

Here are links to the before and after screenshots.

Any pointers appreciated!


Hi Neil:

Nice site! (as Biologist teaching Sustainability and Life Sciences classes at University, I'm quite interested in reading the content of your site! - I didn't know about)

About your question: ensure that you do those steps chcking each time whether they solve your issue or not:

  1. Try deleting Tiki cache: Through Tiki interface, as admin, Go to "Admin > TikiCache/Sys admin)" and click on the icons to empty cache in the "Action" column (the 3 of them, just in case)
  2. Check that you have deleted the files of your old theme under template and style directories. Go to your host through ssh or (s)ftp. If in doubt, open in local and old copy of the installation files for the old mod, and look in which directories they are all stored.
  3. Check that the new files (from the new theme) are all in place, in a similar way as the step above (ftp, ...).
  4. Repeat first step, if you deleted or added files in steps 2 or 3
  5. Delete the cache in your browser (css files and images are temporarily stored there).


posts: 5 United Kingdom

Hi Neil:

Nice site! (as Biologist teaching Sustainability and Life Sciences classes at University, I'm quite interested in reading the content of your site! - I didn't know about)

About your question: ensure that you do those steps chcking each time whether they solve your issue or not:

  1. Try deleting Tiki cache: Through Tiki interface, as admin, Go to "Admin TikiCache/Sys admin)" and click on the icons to empty cache in the "Action" column (the 3 of them, just in case)
  2. Check that you have deleted the files of your old theme under template and style directories. Go to your host through ssh or (s)ftp. If in doubt, open in local and old copy of the installation files for the old mod, and look in which directories they are all stored.
  3. Check that the new files (from the new theme) are all in place, in a similar way as the step above (ftp, ...).
  4. Repeat first step, if you deleted or added files in steps 2 or 3
  5. Delete the cache in your browser (css files and images are temporarily stored there).


Hi Xavi,

Sorry for the delayed reply. You were exactly right it worked after I did this:

  1. Delete the cache in your browser (css files and images are temporarily stored there).

I had tried to delete the cash manually before (in windows explorer) but had obviously missed one of the necessary folders.

If you would like to view the site content for IGADWEB please link to IGADWEB. It is still currently running on 1.9 as I have had subsequent issues using the files wikiplugin in 2.2. For which I am still attempting to solve, if anyone can help see this thread.

A similar datasite we host with a european focus (which I'm afraid is not a wiki site) may also be of interest to you Xavi EDEN Data Archive.

Thanks again for your help, Enjoy!