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New Themes

New Themes

Mittwoch Errors

posts: 3 United States

Hi all,

I recently installed the Mittwoch theme, and love it. I have noticed a few things I can't seem to fix though, and was wondering if anyone can tell me where the problem is and/or a solution?

The first is every now and then the font sizes will change between pages. This happens in Mozilla. A simple refresh will fix the problem, but I was wondering if it's possible to fix?

Normal Text:


Bigger Text:


2 more things I noticed (in the latest IE, Mozilla does not have these following problems) is that:

1) the button text is bigger than the actual button:



2) the forum header image does not span the entire width like Mozilla's


Has anyone dealt with similar issues? Thanks so much in advance.

posts: 254 Japan

Hi Anthony,

I haven't noticed those particular problems, but with Tiki 1.10 available as a beta release already, I doubt if display issues in 1.9 versions of themes will be fixed unless it's super easy. Tiki 1.10 is very solid already, and I'm working on updating Mittwoch and the other older themes and making new themes for it.

Mittwoch for 1.10 is pretty close to ready, and can be seen at zukakakina.com. (Mostly site header things and forum styling remain to be done IIRC.) doc.tikiwiki.org is also using Tiki 1.10beta and a beta Mittwoch for 1.10, so could be checked regarding these problems. If this version has the problems you came upon, or if they crop up after it's released, I'll, uh, feel obligated to fix them then 😉.

-- Gary

posts: 3 United States
(Sorry, content mistakenly deleted by Gary.)
posts: 254 Japan
(Sorry, content mistakenly deleted by Gary.)

I replied to your post while logged in as admin and mistakenly hit the "edit" rather than "reply" link, so over-wrote your message. Man, do I feel dumb. Anyway, you said you got the beta version and saw the same errors, and asked if the Mittwoch for 1.10 files would be put on this site....

Yes, I'll commit the files to the TikiWiki Subversion repository (for themes) — Mods/themes/ — and make snapshots and put them in the file gallery here.

By the way, what browser version are you using? By mozilla do you mean Firefox? I normally check themes with Firefox (haven't upgraded to FF3 yet, though), Opera 9.5, IE6 and IE, and will keep an eye out for these problems.

-- Gary

posts: 3 United States
Latest IE, & Firefox. Haven't looked in Opera