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Tiki Design

FCKEditor Background Image -> Adjusting

posts: 17 United States

Onward with the noobie questions!

Tiki-Wiki 1.10

Problem: FCKEditor displays the background image for the page style (noticeable in Tikipedia Style).

Files that have to affect problem:

I've used FCKEditor on many projects before and normally adjusting FCKConfig.js to point to a new stylesheet works (FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS=). For some reason this setting is ignored (I've even put garbage in the value and it does not error out. Almost as if this file is ignored.

The master style setting is the "body" style in tikipedia.css, if I remove the background from the main page, it goes away across the site.

I've tried overriding the body style background tag in fck_editorarea.css and fck_internal.css but it doesn't seem to take. I cannot find any other controling stylesheets.

I've used the firefox web developer tool bar and it only reports back tikiepedia.css and 1.9to1.10.css, no other styles.

Not quite sure how I use FCKEditors native ability to override the master stylesheet as the typical setting seems ignored, almost as if TikiWiki 1.10 uses some hidden place to draw configuration for FCK from (I explored the fck-tikiwiki folder and nothing there controls css, just the button styles).

Anybody explored this issue? I know this isn't necessarily a 1.10 support site but I'm having trouble finding good places for information and so far this site has the most documentation.

posts: 17 United States

Answering my own question. This solution applies to TikiWiki 1.10, your mileage with earlier versions and an FCKEditor may vary.

The file needed is located in:


The filename:


Here you want to override the HTML style and create a Body style to override as well... here's the basic one I used to set the background to white:

background: #ffffff;
background-image: none;
background-color: #ffffff;
min-height: 100%; #this was here by default
background: #ffffff;
background-image: none;
background-color: #ffffff;