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Bundled and Legacy Themes

Bundled and Legacy Themes

Re: codex - wiki tabs ontop instead of bottom

posts: 254 Japan

Normally, the row of links at the bottom of wiki pages is contained in the file templates/tiki-page_bar.tpl. In versions prior to 1.10 this file is included in tiki.tpl, and loaded when a check is made to see if the content is a wiki page. (Themes may have their own version of these files, so check first for a templates/styles/codex/tiki-page_bar.tpl, for example, if you're tracking down how things are done in a specific theme.)

The wiki page-top icons are contained in tiki-show_page.tpl, which displays the wiki page content per se and the associated things such as title, description, icons, structures, page content, author information, etc.

I imagine different themes might use different methods to move the page_bar links to the top. One way would be to delete the include statement from tiki.tpl and paste it into tiki-show_page.tpl above the wiki content (which is represented in that template by the variable "$page" in case you lose your orientation there).

Several templates combine to layout the full Tiki page, and it can be a little difficult to find what's doing what. See the template overview at this site, and also, as xavi said, use a tool to identify the divs or tables, etc., of a completed page. This may help you work backwards to see where the div or whatever is specified in a template, and so where to edit, etc.

-- Gary

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