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New Themes

New Themes


posts: 5 United Kingdom

Great work Gary... There are some good looking themes coming through for Tikiwiki now!

One small glitch though... Does anyone else need a magnifying glass to view this theme in IE6. The font size is tiny on this browser. Is there anyway of fixing this apart from upgrading to IE7, as many people have yet to upgrade toIE7?


posts: 254 Japan

Thanks Neil. I hope others are on the way. (Looks like mplvolt might have something for us 😎.

When doing the theme adaptation, I tested with Opera9, IE6, IE7, and Firefox, and made adjustments to get the size OK in all of them (or so I thought 😉). Right now I've got Opera, IE6 and Firefox open on this site and can't really see a difference in the font size. As far as I know, my IE6 is using its text size defaults. I'm not sure what would account for our different perceptions, but I guess there could be OS variables, etc. (My primary systems are Windows XP Japanese localized version — don't know if that would matter.) Seems to me I also checked the appearance on my use-once-in-a-while Linux machine; will double-check on that.

Anyway, to increase the font size for IE6, edit the styles/andreas09/ie.css file. There is currently a font-size: 76% property set for the body selector at the top of the file. You can increase this a few points at a time until you get the text large enough. Other browsers won't be affected.

-- Gary

posts: 5 United Kingdom

Found the problem...

The shared PC I used to check ie6 had the the text size set to smaller in the view dropdown menu (View>Text size>smaller).

It is this that made the font size so small it was unreadable. The text size is fine once the text size is returned to medium (which I presume is the default).

So you'll be glad to know the theme was indeed "not guilty" 😊


posts: 254 Japan

OK, thanks for reporting back on that.

-- Gary

posts: 1
Great work Gary... There are some good looking themes coming through for Tikiwiki now!

I agree that the theme looks great! I think we're going to use it for our new website 😀. There is one small favour I would ask - the theme comes shipped with red as the default colour, and has alternative images for black, green, orange, purple... and red! Is there any chance the blue images could be added to the distribution zip, because that's the one we'd most like to use? Thanks in advance!


posts: 254 Japan

I can't believe I left that one out. (Where's the slaps-forehead smiley? 😉) I'll attach the image (and the menuhover background image too) to this post and also add them to the file gallery. Thanks for pointing out the oversight.

By the way, it's easy to make variations of these images to suit your site. Just open them (one page background image file and one menu hover background image) up in a graphics program (I like the former-Macromedia Fireworks) and resize the width to a few hundred pixels so you can see how they look when tiled horizontally. Then modify them by changing the hue. In Fireworks there's a slider with a numerical value for the points on the spectrum. Then save the change, reduce the width to one pixel again, and save with a name that indicates the color. Then use as described for the bundled alternative images (renamed with the neutral name for actual use).

This will create the current effect but in a different color. Other background image tile ideas could be used as long as they have the right dimensions from the top of the page to provide the backgrounds accurately for the various sections of title, menu and page content.

(Another BTW, I found that if more than one attachment is needed for a post, just post with one the first time and then edit the post to add the next attachment.)