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New Themes

tikipedia registration

posts: 10 United States

I've installed the tikipedia theme and like it alot.

I was wondering, though, if it is hard to (and how to) add a registration link up by the login link at the top-right of the page (like they have it on wikipedia.com). I'm concerned that some people may not know to click on the login link to register on my site.



posts: 254 Japan

Since the log-in box itself has a link to tiki-register.php, you could just modify the "login" link to say "login/register". This would also be close to the Wikipedia procedure, if consistency there is important.

In templates/styles/tikipedia/tiki-top_menu.tpl, line 7, change

Copy to clipboard


Copy to clipboard

-- Gary

posts: 10 United States

On my site (with tikipedia) the tikipedia theme is not rendering correctly on the tiki-login_validate.php page after a person clicks on the activation link in the email they get after registering. I'm requiring email verification for newly registered users. I'm currently forced to place some appologetic messages on the tiki-login_validate.php page because of its garbled rendering.

Is there a tikipedia them fix for this? Note that I am using phplayers for my menus.

posts: 10 United States

Thanks Gary. I did that quick edit and it worked fine.
I like simple solutions!!!

Thanks alot. 😀
