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Tikipedia "login" bar missing

posts: 3 United States
I just loaded the Tikipedia theme on my site running V1.9.4. The top right login bar is missing from the Articels and Wiki sections of the site. The white section area is completely butted against the top of the browser window. The bar is properly displayed in other areas like Galleries, Blogs, Forums, etc. It's likely something I've done but I don't know where to look. Can you make any suggestions for where I might start trouble shooting this problem?
posts: 254 Japan

The login link is in the Top bar section of the page, and apparently this is turned off for some parts of your site. On the Admin Features page (tiki-admin.php?page=features), down at the bottom, make sure that the "Top bar" box is checked, and if "Layout per section" is checked, make sure "Top bar" is turned on in all sections, if you want it to show.

-- Gary

posts: 3 United States
if "Layout per section" is checked, make sure "Top bar" is turned on in all sections

That was it. Thanks for the help and the great Theme!