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PhpLayer and Kubrick theme

posts: 3


I don't post a lot on this forum because my english is very poor. So I hope that you will understand my problem.

I use the kubrick theme and using Internet Explorer, there is a problem with the menu in phpLayer. You can see an example on the attached file.
Once developped, the options of the menu are behind certain boxes.

The problem doesn't exist with firefox, but I can't push users of my website to change their browser 😢

With a 1.9.3 version, the problem was the same with flash object in a wiki page: the menu was behind the flash object. But it seems that the problem is resolved on the 1.9.4 version.

Another question: is it possible to have two colums with the kubrick theme and not only the right one ? I don't know what to change to get a left column too !

Thank you very much for your help and sorry if my post if difficult to read 🙁

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