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PlanetFall & error with the php layer

posts: 11

Nice theme thx garry , i've got prb after installing the theme and turnin the phplayer on nothing display under the header and this messag shows up

"LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.

Now I cant do any thing to the site ... any help ?

when the PhpLayer was disapled the site was working but the menu take two width insted of one when i got to the admin control panel and get to the feature list i saw the phplayer option and i turned on then the problem cameout ... this is all the story 😀

posts: 11 United Kingdom
Have you created a new menu with ID "43" and put that menu in a new user module? There should be something about that in the Planetfall documentation.

posts: 254 Japan

Nice theme thx garry , i've got prb after installing the theme and turnin the phplayer on nothing display under the header and this messag shows up

"LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.

Now I cant do any thing to the site ... any help ?

when the PhpLayer was disapled the site was working but the menu take two width insted of one when i got to the admin control panel and get to the feature list i saw the phplayer option and i turned on then the problem cameout ... this is all the story 😀

And not a happy story, but I hope it will end well 😉. Shaun is on the right track. Planetfall expects a menu id=43 to be made already. Please open your local copy of templates/styles/planetfall/tiki.tpl in a text editor and at line 23 "comment out" the phplayers tag. That is, change

Copy to clipboard
{phplayers id=43 type=horiz}


Copy to clipboard
{*phplayers id=43 type=horiz*}

Then upload it to your site's templates/styles/planetfall directory as you did when installing the them. Then Tiki won't try to find/load the menu, and the rest of your page should display normally. Then you can go to the admin menus page (tiki-admin_modules.php) and make a suitable menu for the phplayers (maybe six or seven "section" items so it doesn't go too wide). You don't need to put it in a module or anything, though.

(Or if you have a menu that's good to use for phplayers, just use it by putting its id number in the phplayers tag in tiki.tpl, instead of 43.)

Finally, edit the tiki.tpl file again, taking the asterisks out, and upload it once more, and everything should work OK.

Sorry for the trouble.

-- Gary

posts: 11

And not a happy story, but I hope it will end well 😉. Shaun is on the right track. Planetfall expects a menu id=43 to be made already. Please open your local copy of templates/styles/planetfall/tiki.tpl in a text editor and at line 23 "comment out" the phplayers tag. That is, change

Copy to clipboard
{phplayers id=43 type=horiz}


Copy to clipboard
{*phplayers id=43 type=horiz*}

Then upload it to your site's templates/styles/planetfall directory as you did when installing the them. Then Tiki won't try to find/load the menu, and the rest of your page should display normally. Then you can go to the admin menus page (tiki-admin_modules.php) and make a suitable menu for the phplayers (maybe six or seven "section" items so it doesn't go too wide). You don't need to put it in a module or anything, though.

(Or if you have a menu that's good to use for phplayers, just use it by putting its id number in the phplayers tag in tiki.tpl, instead of 43.)

Finally, edit the tiki.tpl file again, taking the asterisks out, and upload it once more, and everything should work OK.

Sorry for the trouble.

-- Gary

thx Gary I aprciate ur help nothing to be sorry about ur did agreat job with these themes keep it up WE WANT MORE😀

i did comment out the phplayer tag and the site get back to show up again ...

but the menu id = 43 is still there and its background stile taked two width .It takes from the page space so every thing show smaller than usual but when i go to the Modul admin every thing looks good i'm not sure what i supposed to do next do i have to delete the old menu id 43 and create anew module? or i use one of the predfined modules? or just editing the 43 meun to make it shorter ?

posts: 11

I just discover somthing...

the extra width that i thought it was because the application menu... was the left column area ... 😕

how did it moved to the right side ❗

lets talk with pictures see the apllication menu when it assinged to the right and notice the extra width that i was talking about :

now when i assign the same menu to the left 😕 :

now return the menu to the the Right in the Module admin page !! :

now i tried other section to make sure the left side gone (ass it shows in the previous pic ) lets go to the sandbox 😐 :

now im too confused & somtimes the old error message shows up again not always but it did somtimes ("LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.
Halted.") ...

posts: 254 Japan

I just discover somthing...

the extra width that i thought it was because the application menu... was the left column area ... 😕

how did it moved to the right side ❗

lets talk with pictures see the apllication menu when it assinged to the right and notice the extra width that i was talking about :


now im too confused & somtimes the old error message shows up again not always but it did somtimes ("LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.
Halted.") ...

In the Planetfall theme, the left column is between the center column and the right column. Maybe strange, but this is how the original version (for Mambo/Joomla) is, so it's how I made the Tiki version. Even if you don't have any modules assigned to it, it still takes up some space, as your first image shows.

I think a site using Planetfall should probably have all of its important modules in the right column, and the left column should be turned off for some sections of the site, especially where more width is needed such as wiki pages, galleries, etc.

I'm thinking it might be a good idea to make a Planetfall variant in which the left-column modules are stacked below the right column on the page, so there are always just two columns — center and right-over-left.

I'm not sure why the php layers menu error would show up just part of the time.

-- Gary

posts: 11

ok ...

how i can turn off the left column or is there any way to modfiy the theme and make the left col in its orginal place ?

posts: 254 Japan

ok ...

how i can turn off the left column or is there any way to modfiy the theme and make the left col in its orginal place ?

You can turn off the left column by going to Admin / Features (tiki-admin.php?page=features) and checking "Layout per section" . Then when you click on "Admin layout per section" you can uncheck the left column in whatever Tiki sections you don't want it to display.

I think putting the left column in its normal place would make the center column very narrow. Well, either on the left or right, having two side columns plus the center column in a theme that has left and right margins as well makes things rather tight, at least on a 1024px-wide screen. But I'll work on a few variations of the theme as soon as I can — probably a full-width version with three columns and a narrow-width version with two columns, left modules stacked under right.

-- Gary

posts: 38 Canada

Nice theme thx garry , i've got prb after installing the theme and turnin the phplayer on nothing display under the header and this messag shows up

"LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string.

Now I cant do any thing to the site ... any help ?

And not a happy story, but I hope it will end well 😉.

mose just fixed this problem in BRANCH-1-9 CVS. It will be available in Tiki 1.9.5

To update your Tiki now, please modify lib/layersmenu-common.inc.php as follows:


The current themes site has been updated.

M 😊

posts: 11

Ooh Great i'll wait for the new changes ...

there is a littel tiny small other prb 😡

the language that i use for the site start from right to left so this theme will be great with it if its only stay like this ...

but when i chang the language the columns the two of them turned to the left so the right becoms the most left next to it the left col .. 😕

cant i return them to the right side ?

posts: 254 Japan

Ooh Great i'll wait for the new changes ...

there is a littel tiny small other prb 😡

the language that i use for the site start from right to left so this theme will be great with it if its only stay like this ...

but when i chang the language the columns the two of them turned to the left so the right becoms the most left next to it the left col .. 😕

cant i return them to the right side ?

tiki.tpl could be modified easily to switch the positions of the two columns. I'll make that version, too. 😊

-- Gary

posts: 11
tiki.tpl could be modified easily to switch the positions of the two columns. I'll make that version, too.

Great Man , so i'll expect from you the modified tiki.tpl 😁 for the language prb 😁 when i can take it from you 😁😡

posts: 11

I just upload my own header this when i realized that my site width is much more smaller than the demo width🙁

the heder was cut and not complete in the box search area ...

but the prb is that my site is too much smaller than the demo looks like also there is somthing missing should i do it or it's from the theme the silver menu that seprate between the header and the rest of the site .. ? how could i have one like it ? why my site is small😕 is there different version of planetfall theme ?

posts: 254 Japan

I just upload my own header this when i realized that my site width is much more smaller than the demo width🙁

the heder was cut and not complete in the box search area ...

but the prb is that my site is too much smaller than the demo looks like also there is somthing missing should i do it or it's from the theme the silver menu that seprate between the header and the rest of the site .. ? how could i have one like it ? why my site is small😕 is there different version of planetfall theme ?

No, there's just one version. Something must have gotten broken in your installation, I guess. Did you insert your graphic file as described on Planetfall_customizing? You should have uploaded a file called "header_logo.jpg", and if it is the same size as the default graphic, it should fit in the same space. Or is the logo graphic OK but something else is causing the problem?

I don't exactly understand what has happened with your site. Could you give a link or show a screenshot or something?

-- Gary

posts: 11

No, there's just one version...
I don't exactly understand what has happened with your site. Could you give a link or show a screenshot or something?

-- Gary

Hi Gary
me neither i didnt find why this happening or where the sexy silver menu goes 😢

beside that the site is really looks small if i compare it with the demo site

yes i did as the site said make two header file one is header_bg.jpg and header_logo.png (is this right ? your saying here its a "header_logo.jpg")

these are the screen shots & i'll give you the header that i replaced with the orginal one :

the demo site demo site

My site Mine

header_bg.jpg : header_bg.jpg

for the header_logo.png i tried to put a empty transprante pic with the same size of header_bg but IE recognize it as white pic so i put the same header_bg in png format that mean i i have the same header in two format header_bg.jpg & header_logo.png ... ➡️

posts: 254 Japan

No, there's just one version...
I don't exactly understand what has happened with your site. Could you give a link or show a screenshot or something?

-- Gary

Hi Gary
me neither i didnt find why this happening or where the sexy silver menu goes 😢

Well, the menu goes in div id="horiz_menu", but this is already indicated in tiki.tpl so the silver background image should appear if the line hasn't been edited out of tiki.tpl, and if the background image was uploaded along with the rest of the Planetfall images, and if a PHP Layers menu is specified properly.

beside that the site is really looks small if i compare it with the demo site

How do you mean "small"? Your screenshots show it to be the same width as this site.

yes i did as the site said make two header file one is header_bg.jpg and header_logo.png (is this right ? your saying here its a "header_logo.jpg")

header_logo.png is what is specified in the stylesheet. Sorry for the mix-up.

Your logo image is cut off at the right because it is overlapped by the search box unless some wide content causes the page to stretch wider. The default images are basically blank/black at that end for that reason. (In retrospect, I should have specified the logo image to be narrower and aligned to the left.) Please measure the space (in pixels) that you have available for logo information and make your logo image that width, or keep the original width but compose the image so your important information isn't covered by the searchbox at the normal page width.

for the header_logo.png i tried to put a empty transprante pic with the same size of header_bg but IE recognize it as white pic so i put the same header_bg in png format that mean i i have the same header in two format header_bg.jpg & header_logo.png ... ➡️

IE doesn't recognize transparency in .png images, only in .gif images.

I put two images in the header so one could be a background and one a foreground, but that isn't strictly necessary. If you have just one image and it works OK visually (that is, it blends to match the solid background color), then only one is needed. Try not using the second one, if you like.

-- Gary

posts: 1 Iceland

great lookin theme!
but im wondering how i can enable the left column? which file to start lookin for to change?
or has anyone already done that?

posts: 254 Japan

great lookin theme!
but im wondering how i can enable the left column? which file to start lookin for to change?
or has anyone already done that?

This is from the Planetfall_customizing page:

Tiki normally uses both left and right columns, for modules. The planetfall theme mainly uses a single side column, on the right. In the original theme, there is a second side column, but it displays not on the left of the page, but at the right side of the center column. Because the theme has rather wide margins that already are limiting the width of the content area, it may be a good idea to put important modules in the right column and put less-important modules in the left column and then turn off the left column in most sections, especially sections that need a lot of content area such as image galleries. It would even be good to empty the left column of modules and turn it off entirely, if possible.

At this site, the left column is disabled by CSS ("display:none") for wiki pages when using the Planetfall theme.

So you should see the left column already when Planetfall is installed (though it's between the center column and the right column, as in the original Mambo/Joomla version). The left column isn't disabled in tiki.tpl, where the column code is. Did you double-check your Admin > Features page re General Layout options?

-- Gary