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History: Theme-related Software Concept and Design

Source of version: 4

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Tiki uses the Smarty template engine, so pages generally have a PHP file (.php) and a Smarty template (.tpl) associated with them. These produce the XHTML for the page, which is then given visual styles with CSS. The CSS is provided by a combination of some feature-specific stylesheets, default layout and design stylesheets, and theme stylesheets.

!Concept (Tiki14 plan)
There are several features that determine which theme is displayed for a given screen. See also http://doc.tiki.org/Themes

!!Site theme
Site theme setting can be made at the __Look and Feel__ settings panel.

Themes can have options.

!! User theme
If preference  change_theme is enabled than users are allowed to change theme. It is possible to limit the themes users can pick from using the available_themes preference.

User theme preference overrides the site theme and also override perspective, but don't override theme control setting.

!!!Available themes
Limit the list of the themes users can pick from when changing theme is allowed. All theme options of the allowed themes are available for selection.

!!Theme Control feature
Allows to have a specific theme for objects, categories and sections, see [http://doc.tiki.org/Theme+Control|Documentation]

Theme control setting override user theme preference and site theme preference .

!! Perspective feature
Perspectives are to override a preference, see  [http://doc.tiki.org/Perspectives|Documentation]

Perspective settings override site theme preference, but dont override user preference.

!!Group theme feature 

!Theme is selected as follows

If Theme Control feature is enabled:
- If a theme is assigned to the individual object that theme is used
- If not then if a theme is assigned to the object's category that theme is used
- If not then a theme for the section is used
- If none of the above was selected the user theme is used
- Finally if the user didn't select a theme the default theme is used

!Developer info
The different theme settings are stored in preferences and can be accessed smarty variable

{CODE()}Main prefs:
$prefs['theme_active'] - this is the theme that will be displayed. This pref is not stored in the database, it is set dinamically depending on enabled features (eg: change_theme)
$prefs['theme_site'] - the theme setting for the site stored in tiki_preferences table
$prefs['theme_option_site'] -  the theme option setting for the site stored in tiki_preferences table
$prefs['available_themes'] -  list of themes available for users to pick their preferred theme for the site stored in tiki_preferences table
$prefs['user_theme'] - the user's theme preference stored in tiki_user_preferences table
$prefs['user_theme-option'] - the user's theme preference stored in tiki_user_preferences table
$prefs['tc_theme'] - the user's theme preference



Information Version
Wed 08 of Jul, 2015 06:42 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Minor editing. 42
Sun 25 of Jan, 2015 15:31 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley 41
Sun 25 of Jan, 2015 13:12 GMT-0000 gezza 40
Sun 25 of Jan, 2015 13:10 GMT-0000 gezza update and unify examples 39
Mon 19 of Jan, 2015 16:30 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley 38
Thu 15 of Jan, 2015 18:57 GMT-0000 gezza some updates 37
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 21:42 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 36
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:38 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 35
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:28 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 34
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:27 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 33
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:27 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 32
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:25 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 31
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:19 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell Remarks Box Plugin modified by editor. 30
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:12 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 29
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:10 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 28
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 18:03 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 27
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 17:57 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 26
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 17:56 GMT-0000 Geoff Brickell 25
Mon 05 of Jan, 2015 11:29 GMT-0000 gezza updates 24
Sat 03 of Jan, 2015 09:53 GMT-0000 gezza some updates 23
Sun 21 of Dec, 2014 18:14 GMT-0000 gezza some description 22
Wed 17 of Dec, 2014 20:30 GMT-0000 gezza 21
Tue 16 of Dec, 2014 20:40 GMT-0000 gezza 20
Tue 16 of Dec, 2014 20:39 GMT-0000 gezza 19
Tue 16 of Dec, 2014 20:36 GMT-0000 gezza 18
Tue 16 of Dec, 2014 20:35 GMT-0000 gezza developer notes 17
Tue 16 of Dec, 2014 20:18 GMT-0000 gezza 16
Tue 16 of Dec, 2014 20:16 GMT-0000 gezza theme templates 15
Mon 08 of Dec, 2014 16:13 GMT-0000 gezza 14
Mon 08 of Dec, 2014 16:11 GMT-0000 gezza 13
Mon 08 of Dec, 2014 16:01 GMT-0000 gezza 12
Mon 08 of Dec, 2014 16:00 GMT-0000 gezza updates 11
Mon 08 of Dec, 2014 13:36 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius Added a Remarksbox with the note, that the mentioned features are not YET working in pre-14 due to changed concept and that we are working on it. 10
Sun 07 of Dec, 2014 11:51 GMT-0000 gezza 9
Sun 07 of Dec, 2014 11:48 GMT-0000 gezza 8
Sun 07 of Dec, 2014 11:39 GMT-0000 gezza 7
Sun 07 of Dec, 2014 11:38 GMT-0000 gezza 6
Tue 25 of Nov, 2014 11:54 GMT-0000 gezza 5
Tue 25 of Nov, 2014 11:52 GMT-0000 gezza 4
Tue 25 of Nov, 2014 11:10 GMT-0000 gezza 3
Tue 25 of Nov, 2014 11:05 GMT-0000 gezza 2
Sun 10 of Apr, 2011 10:46 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Content shoveled from "Content & Design" which was causing a loop. 1