History: Template Tricks
Source of version: 27
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Below, we will document some little template ((tricks)). Typically show content depending on something. Can be done directly in templates/*.tpl files or in Admin -> Look & Feel -> {maketoc} !! I broke my theme Apparently, a problem with my custom theme is preventing me from accessing my site normally. Reset the theme "manually": If you can't access the admin pages to set your site's theme back to one that is known to work, you can reset the theme from the back end, so to speak. __Database method:__ Use phpmyadmin on your server to access your Tiki database. In the table "tiki_preferences", find the row for "site_style". Edit this row by replacing the custom theme name with a standard theme, such as thenews.css. __FTP method (easier):__ Using your FTP client, go to the styles directory of your Tiki installation and rename the theme currently set as the site theme, such as by changing its ".css" file extension to ".txt". Tiki will revert to the default. Log in using the default theme and fix what is wrong. Also clear the site caches. When trying out a new theme, it is much better to use the "switch theme" module to select it. Don't make a new and untried theme the site theme without first trying it out from the switch-theme module. !!! I am stuck in a theme To change themes, you can point your browser to (for example): tiki-switch_theme.php?theme=fivealive.css !!Adding a print button only if current page is a wiki page {CODE()} {if $page neq ''} <a title="{tr}Print{/tr}" href="tiki-print.php?page={$page|escape:"url"}"> <img src="pics/icons/printer.png"/>{tr}Print{/tr} </a> {/if} {CODE} !!Adding a "Hello John" indication {CODE(ishtml="1")} {if $user} Hello {$user} {/if} {CODE} !!Adding content only for a group !!! In content *((doc:PluginGroup)) !!! In a template {CODE()} {if $group eq "Admins"} You are a member of the group {$group} {/if} {CODE} !!Adding content only for a permission !!Adding content only for a preference {CODE()} {if $prefs.feature_wiki eq "y"} The Wiki feature is on {/if} {CODE} !!Display content conditional to current language {CODE()} {if $prefs.language eq "fr"} <a href="accueil"> {elseif $prefs.language eq "es"} <a href="inicio"> {else} <a href="tiki-index.php"> {/if} {CODE} This is an Smarty block to display only if language matches. It's one quick hack like ((doc:PluginLang)), but to use in modules and templates. ''Example'': ~np~{translation lang="en"}Hello{/translation}~/np~ ~np~{translation lang="pt-br"}Olá{/translation}~/np~ If the current language is en, Hello will be displayed. If it is pt-br, Olá. To make users switch language, you can add ((doc:Module switch_lang)) or hard code some links such as: {CODE()} {if $prefs.language eq "fr"} <a href="tiki-switch_lang.php?language=fr">-English-</a> -Français- <a href="tiki-switch_lang.php?language=es">-Español-</a> {elseif $prefs.language eq "es"} <a href="tiki-switch_lang.php?language=en">-English-</a> <a href="tiki-switch_lang.php?language=fr">-Français-</a> -Español- {else} -English- <a href="tiki-switch_lang.php?language=fr">-Français-</a> <a href="tiki-switch_lang.php?language=es">-Español-</a> {/if} {CODE} !! How to know where something is in a template? Admin -> Look & Feel Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (TPL) New in 3.0, turn on "log_tpl" to add comments in templates (if you click view source, you can see which tpl was used to create it. Make sure to turn off once you go into production, or else your email notifications will also have a note! !! How do I change the email messages? Look in: templates/mail/ !! How to show content just when in certain pages So if you want to modify tiki-searchresults.php, you find templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl !!! For the container templates/tiki.tpl is the master container. Say you want to affect the master container based on the current page, you can do {CODE()} {if $mid eq "tiki-searchresults.tpl"} bla bla {/if} {CODE} !! Add wiki syntax in Site identity ((doc:Site identity)) is the section in Admin > look & feel where you can set the top, site title, add custom text to top & bottom, etc. {CODE()}{wiki}{literal} My wiki code {/literal}{/wiki}{CODE} !! Debug Put in a template or in Site Identity to have a popup with information on all the variables, at each page refresh. {CODE()} {debug} {CODE} To avoid driving your users mad :-) {CODE()} {if $user eq 'admin'} {debug} {/if} {CODE} !! Categories used in templates Admin -> Category -> Categories used in templates (TPL) (categories_used_in_tpl) How to use? Something like http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Category+Admin#Using_the_current_object_categories_in_a_tpl [http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Hello+World#To_do_something_specific_in_a_template_ex.:_tiki.tpl_conditional_to_the_current_item_being_in_a_category._Ex.:_different_header_picture.|another] !!Section {CODE()} {if $section eq "blogs"} text shown just when in one of the blog pages {/if} {CODE} !! Perspective The current perspective ID is not available to the templates. However, you can simply use the value of something that was overriden in this template. This could be in one of the Site identity fields. {CODE(caption="To change the menu depending on the Site title")}{if $prefs.sitetitle eq "Workspace Sales"} {phplayers id=45 type=horiz css=y} {else} {phplayers id=47 type=horiz css=y} {/if} {CODE} !! Variables !!! Dynamic variables ((doc:Dynamic variables)) !!! Use current page name as content ((doc:Advanced Wiki Syntax usage examples|#How_to_display_URL_param_in_a_page_or_the_page_name_or_the_user_name|How to display URL param in a page or the page name or the user name)) !! Alternate view of wiki content !!! Raw http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php?page=Template+Tricks !!! middle only, useful to include in an iframe http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index_p.php?page=Template+Tricks !!! Fullscreen works for all features, not just wiki pages http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Template+Tricks&fullscreen=y related: doc:((doc:Fullscreen)) dev:((dev:Fullscreen)) !!! Slideshow * ((doc:Slideshow)) !!! Mobile * ((doc:Mobile)) !Related ((dev:Templates Best Practices)) ((doc:Advanced Wiki Syntax usage examples))