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History: Smarty Templates

Source of version: 4

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            Tiki uses the Smarty template engine, and generally at least one PHP file and one Smarty template (.tpl) file, and sometimes several, are used to display a Tiki page, depending on the feature, section and so on.

The main template file that functions as a kind of skeleton for everything else is tiki.tpl. This file loads other template files for the various parts of the page - including header.tpl for the HTML head section, tiki-site_header.tpl for the site-specific items at the top of the page, and so on, and containing code to display the left and right side columns, the footer, and the main content at the center of the page.

More info: http://www.smarty.net/

* (alias(Smarty))
* (alias(Smarty Template))
* (alias(Template))
* (alias(Templates))



Information Version
Fri 26 of Jun, 2015 11:53 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko 5
Fri 25 of Jun, 2010 04:24 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 4
Fri 25 of Jun, 2010 04:22 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 3
Thu 05 of Nov, 2009 15:13 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Spelling correction. 2
Thu 05 of Nov, 2009 15:13 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 1