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History: Off-canvas menus and sidebars

Source of version: 3 (current)

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            As talked about on the Tiki developers mailing list, it would be good to support alternatives to the standard Bootstrap navbar. There are quite a few examples of offcanvas menus, etc. Some are used in all display sizes, and some are used only in small screens to replace the standard horizontal navbar.

Here are some scripts/libraries and docs  (not checked yet regarding license and other details):

* http://offcanvas.vasilis.co/index.html
* https://codepen.io/JacobLett/full/ryLrJP
* https://github.com/iamphill/Bootstrap-Offcanvas
* Bootstrap 4 Off-canvas - https://www.codeply.com/go/jKDAY0SPBm
* https://www.codeply.com/go/JbaVzJCNLJ/bootstrap-4-off-canvas-sidebar
* https://codediode.io/lessons/198631-design-a-responsive-side-menu-for-bootstrap-4
* https://iamphill.github.io/Bootstrap-Offcanvas/
* http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/examples/offcanvas/

Also, related ideas:
* Bootstrap 4 Mega Dropdown Menu Navbar  - https://codepen.io/JacobLett/full/jaaQYG 
* Double row nav navbar - Bootstrap 4 - https://codepen.io/JacobLett/full/zdQjWe
* https://bootstrapcreative.com/pattern/


Information Version
Sat 13 of Jan, 2018 06:08 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Testing page edit save. 3
Sat 13 of Jan, 2018 06:08 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Testing page edit save. 2
Tue 12 of Dec, 2017 09:33 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Page created. 1