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History: Finding a theme

Preview of version: 1

As time allows, more themes will become available for Tiki that aren't part of the Tiki package. Also, license incompatibility may prevent some themes from being distributed with Tiki. A theme market place is being prepared for this site, for free and commercial themes.

Also (and in the meantime), people looking for or needing Tiki 14 (and newer) themes can go to https://info.tiki.org/Consultants to request services.


Information Version
Wed 10 of Aug, 2016 11:08 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated link to Consultants page. 3
Wed 10 of Aug, 2016 11:06 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Information updated regarding marketplace, etc. 2
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 15:57 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Page created. 1