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Module title problems in IE & firefox



I have a problem with the module title in the theme I am working on, maybe someone can help me find the cause:

right now it looks like this:
background-color...... : #FFFFFF
color................. : green
border................ : 1px solid grey
font-family........... : verdana, Comic Sans MS
font-size............. : 18px
font-weight........... : bold
text-align............ : center
padding............... : 3px
text-decoration....... : none
border-radius......... : .5em .5em .5em .5em
-moz-border-radius.... : .5em .5em .5em .5em
-khtml-border-radius.. : .5em .5em .5em .5em

In IE I have a !green! border and !normal! !black! approx 14px high fonts. The font seems to be the classic unformatted font-style as if there was nothing defined for it..

As far as I know I should see big bold green fonts in a rounded grey bordered box in firefox. The box is ok, but the color of the font is still black /but it is bold, that is ok/

I have deleted the cache, the temp files in IE and FF but this time it was not the case..

What else is affecting the module title style?? please help me if you know..

United States

Your code looks right to me. Are you wrapping the title.box div with any other style that is overridding the font?




When module windowshading is activated, a table is added to the module title. You might have to apply font/text styles to div.box-title table and/or div.box-title table td. IE doesn't properly cascade text styles into tables.

-- Gary


When module windowshading is activated, a table is added to the module title. You might have to apply font/text styles to div.box-title table and/or div.box-title table td. IE doesn't properly cascade text styles into tables.

-- Gary

thanks o lot Gary, this was the case 😊

I played around a bit with the 3 divs concerning module title, I attach a file with some screenshots for the sake of others 😊
