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Bundled and Legacy Themes

Bundled and Legacy Themes

Look of topics and posts using default2.css

posts: 10 Germany


I'm using default2.css and have running the newest TikiWiki version 2.1.

Testing the themes on this site a recognized, that the look of posts and topics in this forum activating default2 as theme is really different from mine.

I'll attach a screenshot to show you, what I mean:

Any ideas, what I have to change to get this really nice look which I can see on this site?

posts: 10 Germany

Now, after testing and searching, some more informations:

  • First I should have mentioned, that I'm using TikiWiki 2.1 after a new installation.

  • Comparing different themes it's now evident, that the problem (on my site) belongs not only to the default2-theme, but to let's say similar themes like e.g. olive and bluegreen, too.

  • Forums and topics lists are okay, showing correctly the colored navigation bar

  • Then opening a topic, the posts are separated by each other, but they don't have a bar with "author" and "message" and their content is non spaced - look at the screenshot I attached to my first post.

  • Then I had a look on my TikiWiki 1.9.11 - there the default2 theme as well as the others (olive ...) looked like here on this site using the theme-selection.

Does anybody has an idea, why the style of the postings is "crashed" in my version - did I forgot some configurations ...?

Or if you just now have no idea, could someone with a new 2.1 installation (not an upgrade) - and certainly forums with postings 😉 - please change for a short moment the theme to default2 and tell me, if you see the style of the postings like here on this site or like in my screenshot?

Thanks for help!

posts: 254 Japan

The forum layout was changed quite a bit from 1.9 to 2.0 and now relies on CSS rather than tables for layout. The older themes don't contain the needed CSS, so on the Look & Feel admin page (tiki-admin.php?page=look), for "Use transition style sheet from version:" select "Use version @:x.xx specified in theme.css or 1.9 if not specified". This should load the CSS that the forums need.

-- Gary

posts: 10 Germany

Hi Gary, thank you for your answer 😊! I had just had the idea to change the "Use transition style sheet from version:" and tried out all - actually the "Use version @:x.xx specified in theme.css or 1.9 if not specified" is selected, but the right CSS (as I know now from you 😉) is not loaded or at least I see no difference in the forums (the postings-list) style. - After changing the selection I did always clear the cache. -

Is there the possibility, that the needed CSS is missing? I also tried to compare the files between my old 1.9.11 and the new 2.1 version, but can't find no - or let's say maybe not the evident difference.

I'll try to search there a little more ... Could you perhaps give me a tip where or after what I should look for?

Thanks in advance, Rontu

posts: 10 Germany

Hi again,

now I tested to overwrite the default template-settings like described in http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Customizing+Themes&highlight=transition%20style%20sheet, by creating a new folder "default2" under templates/styles and copying the old templates of the 1.9.11 version in it and the old CSS file under /styles/. Certainly it's no good idea, because there are a lot of new functions/elements, and the result brought only a little difference in the initial posting - see attached file "Screenshot_Forum_Posts_Test.png".

In tiki-view_forum_thread.tpl there are lot of differences between the older and the new 2.1 version, e.g. respectively a table formatting in the old one, which doesn't exist any more in the new - if I understand it right, I'm really not familar with the smarty code.

So I am not able to implement the necessary changes, which have to be done wherever, to correct the style and make the postings look like on this site.

However, viewing it here, I'm a frustrated to see, that it's possible at all (assuming, this forum is running under the newest version 2.1 ?) 😐.

posts: 10 Germany

I now tried to adapt the default2.css with the result you can see in the attachment.

Can anyone tell me, where I find the css definition of the class="clearfix" ? It's defined for example in

  • comment-body.tpl
  • comment-header.tpl
  • comment.tpl

There are still some elements, I can't control over the default2.css file and in it I can't find a class named clearfix ... ❓

And where is the style for the quote plugin written?

Thanks for any help / ideas!

p.s. and if someone is interested in my default2.css creation - certainly without any guaranty, that it works and not disturbs other elements ... ! - let me know.