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Title or breadcrumbs

posts: 18


I'm trying to use breadcrumbs to show in every page where it's located on the site.
I used the Look&Feel General Layout panel where I activated Breadcrumbs.

Now I see it perfectly in every page but I don't see the title page.
How can I see both?


posts: 11 Czech Republic

Hi, it's not currently possible in 2.1 unless you use some old theme like moreneat (it still has its own old tiki-show_page.tpl template)

It's a shame, we have to fix it soon 😉


I'm trying to use breadcrumbs to show in every page where it's located on the site.
I used the Look&Feel General Layout panel where I activated Breadcrumbs.

Now I see it perfectly in every page but I don't see the title page.
How can I see both?


posts: 18

Great!! 😀

I'm waiting...


posts: 18

HI luci,

Your changes haven't fixed it on my machine 😑
Could depends on my tikiwiki installation?
I've tikiwiki 2.0 migrating from 1.9 and I'm using tikipedia theme.
Any ideas?


posts: 11 Czech Republic

it must be changed in tikipedia theme's tpl file too (if it has one called tiki-show_page.tpl in templates/styles/tikipedia/)

HI luci,

Your changes haven't fixed it on my machine 😑
Could depends on my tikiwiki installation?
I've tikiwiki 2.0 migrating from 1.9 and I'm using tikipedia theme.
Any ideas?


posts: 254 Japan

Thanks for adding the code in the default file, luci.

Laetitia, you can get Tikipedia's version of this file here: tiki-show_page.tpl. Save it as a .tpl file and upload it to your site's templates/styles/tikipedia directory. I didn't test it yet, so please post again if there are any problems.

-- Gary

it must be changed in tikipedia theme's tpl file too (if it has one called tiki-show_page.tpl in templates/styles/tikipedia/)

HI luci,

Your changes haven't fixed it on my machine 😑
Could depends on my tikiwiki installation?
I've tikiwiki 2.0 migrating from 1.9 and I'm using tikipedia theme.
Any ideas?


posts: 18

Gary,Luci thanks to both of you!

Gary I have a doubt...I need your tpl file only or I need luci files breadcrumblib.php and tiki-admin.tpl too?
Because I have changed my tiki-show_page.tpl file only, and title and breadcrumb have appeared both as I need.


posts: 18

Gary, another question.
Is possible to have title and breadcrumbs at the same row?
My boss want title in the center and breadcrumbs on the right side.
Is possible?


posts: 254 Japan

I'm not sure; Luci would have to answer that, as it involves coding in a lib file that I'm not familiar with (rather than in the template file).

But now that I think about this more, this breadcrumbs feature was intentionally removed from Tiki for a reason: because it shows only links for the site index page and the current page (on wiki pages) it has almost no value. Wikis aren't like web sites where pages are nested in folders and so on and there is a consistent path to a particular page. A wiki has a flat hierarchy, so there is no breadcrumb "trail". All pages are just one step from the wiki index.

The fate of this feature needs to be discussed again. I suggest using wiki structures to get meaningful breadcrumb trails, if that suits your purposes.

As for putting the breadcrumbs on the right, this is different from the normal practice (the left-to-right flow of information that people generally expect at web sites using l-to-r languages) so I would advise against it.

-- Gary

posts: 18

Before I have tried by breadcrumbs, I did the same thing with the code below:

{section loop=$structure_path name=ix}
{if $structure_pathix.parent_id} {$prefs.site_crumb_seper} {/if}

{if $structure_pathix.page_alias}


This structure, now, is shown below the Title, is possible to have it on the right side of the title?
So, I haven't to use breadcrumbs!
