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CATEGORY plug-in

posts: 18

Hi Gary 😀

in my first post about BOX plug-in, I wrote about another strange behaviour occurred with Categories.

Here is the code created for 1.9:

CATEGORY(id=7, types=wiki, sort=name_asc, sub=>y, split=>y, and=n)
With the same code, I see in 1.9:

My Category
wiki page: First_page, Second_page, Third_Page

in 2.0 I see something like this:

Category: My Category
wiki page:
First_page, Second_page, Third_Page

Have any ideas?

Thanks lots

posts: 254 Japan

Hi again,

Yes, the category item display method changed in 2.0 (kind of going to nested lists if I recall correctly) and so will display differently unless the theme stylesheet is changed to bring things back to where they were. I didn't pay enough attention to that, so will take another look and give it a try.

-- Gary

posts: 18

Ok, really thanks!

How could I know if you'll solve it?
Just waiting a post here?


posts: 254 Japan

Yes, I'll post here. If you click the watch icon at the top of this thread (the "eye"), a message will be sent to you when there's a new post.

-- Gary