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Twist Theme: Menus not showing

posts: 2

I am trying to get the twist theme working, and I finally figured out the PHPlayers pert of things (I made it more complicated than neccesary). First, as an example, if you look at http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=10, you will see that the menu items do not show up (in a readable font colour). I was able to fix that in the CSS by changing the colour of the mdkitem entres. But my main issue is that I cannot, for the life of me, get menus to show at the top. I followed the guidelines for this, making sure there is a menu 43, i took out all the separators even, but nothing seems to be working. is there a special way i need to make the menus? i am new to this so maybe i missed something elementary?

thanks! daiv.