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Tikipedia - MyTiki links not working

posts: 11


Glad to find this forum! I have had a problem for awhile and was still learning where the issue lay, tikiwiki or the theme for tikipedia....by the way we love tikipedia theme, nice work!

The issue is that when we click on the mytiki link at the top right of the page, it takes us to the My Tiki links, such as Tasks, Messages, Bookmarks, Preferences, etc...the problem is when you click on any of these you do not go anywhere, it just sits on the page (doesnt even try to go anywhere)...any ideas? any ideas on how I can edit to fix? Thanks for any help...

here is some more info...when you click on any link you get the following url

when you mouse over an object, like preferences, you get a php filename such as tiki-user_preferences.tpl

I am using version 1.10 of tikipedia.....

Thanks for any help!

posts: 254 Japan

First, to clarify, are you using version 1.10 of Tikiwiki? If so, this is the development version of Tiki, and the Tikipedia theme was made to work with the 1.8, 1.9, etc. stable branches. In particular there are some differences with links on the MyTiki page, especially if you activate "Ajax" on the Admin Features page. With Ajax, these links expect to use Javascript to load the linked content, and Tikipedia's MyTiki template doesn't have that javscript (yet).

If you are using Tiki 1.10, and Ajax is activated, try deselecting it on the Admin Features page.

If you are using Tiki 1.9+ or 1.8+, then Tikipedia should work as expected. If the links on MyTiki don't do anything, try inputting the URLs (such as http://(yourdomain,etc.)/tiki-user_preferences.php) directly to see if the problem is with the linked pages or the MyTiki page itself.

(Nice to hear from Douglas County — I'm assuming that's where you are. I'm from Klamath Falls, Oregon, myself and have good memories of that area. But I got a server not found error with the URL you gave; maybe a typo?)

-- Gary

posts: 11

Sorry I took so long to get back to you! Turning off Ajax fixed the issue, thanks! Our current library tikiwiki is behind a firewall and not accessible to the public. We are actually going to develop our library site from tikiwiki though real soon....

Yes, I work at the Douglas County Library here in Roseburg, OR. I just recently moved to Oregon, and I LOVE IT! Best state I have ever lived in, but maybe I shouldnt advertise that fact here 😊 Nice place to visit people, and then go home 😊 This state is empty (population wise) and thats one reason I love it......

Ok, no I have another issue....not asking you to solve it, but give me some guidance.....

We are using version 1.10....we mainly did this because we needed the integrated wysiwyg for the wiki....in one version of 1.10 we are using, the tikipedia works fine....

recently i downloaded a 1.98 version and then the latest 1.10 upgrade and pointed it to a backup database using tikipedia theme.....everything works, except the top bar which has the login, mytiki, etc....I have checked the usualy locations of top bar on and everything appears to be set right.....

have others mentioned this? if so, I know how to edit code a little, could you point me in the right direction on how I might be able to bring the login, mytiki features back to the top right of the page as they are suppose to be.....
