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Bundled and Legacy Themes

Bundled and Legacy Themes

hec column width in IE

posts: 5
I built my site, chifamily.com, with a modified hec theme and tested on Firefox 2. Works and looks great. However, when I finally got a look in IE6 I was dismayed to find that the left column has a variable width and wants to eat up the center column. Please look at the site in both browsers and suggest a solution if possible.
posts: 254 Japan

I couldn't find any differences between your CSS file and hec.css that would cause this, but came upon an image tag in your mod-OrderCDs module that might: img src="images/none.gif" width="100%" height="0". IE6 could be interpreting that width specification as "make this image (and thus the column) as wide as possible." In any case, this image tag isn't needed, as far as I can tell (unless used for counting purposes?), and might as well be deleted.

Update: I just noticed that "images/none.gif" is part of the default Tiki page, apparently used by the column show/hide script. (My own themes haven't used this so I yad forgotten about it.) So I guess that probably isn't the cause of the problem.

I would try turning off column-visibility switching, though, to see if IE is having trouble with that.

-- Gary

posts: 5

Thanks for looking at my problem chibaguy,

My client loves the hide column feature!! I can't get rid of that. I did notice somewhere that IE had some problem with the float tag. I'll try removing the feature... Yes that is a problem. IE manages the show or hide column feature fine. The problem is where it floats the switch. Somehow the right column switch has itself attached to the right edge of the left column.

Two possible solutions I might try: (and I am a beginner so please advise)

  1. Exclude the Span style= tags from IE (how?)
  2. Move the right column span from where it sits now and put it just before
    td style="display: block;" id="rightcolumn" valign="top"
    This seems to be how IE wants it.

posts: 254 Japan

I'm looking at the source of the completed page (a blog page at your site), and of another Tiki site's blog page using the hec theme (and the 1.9.7CVS version of the files, if that makes any difference). There is some difference in construction that might account for IE working OK with the columns at the hec site but not at yours.

At the other site, things look like this:

  • div id="tiki-mid"
    • div
      • span style="float: left" a class="flip" img class="colflip" /span
      • span style="float: right" a class="flip" img class="colflip" /span
      • br
    • /div
    • table id="tiki-midtbl" tr
      • td id="leftcolumn"....

At your site:

  • div id="tiki-mid"
    • table id="tiki-midtbl" tr
      • td id="tiki-columns"
        • span style="float: left" a class="flip" img class="colflip" /span
        • span style="float: right" a class="flip" img class="colflip" /span
        • br
      • /td /tr
      • tr td id="leftcolumn" ....

In other words, the column-flipping links are outside the table in their own div at the site where IE is OK, while they are inside the table at your site where IE is having a problem. So I would try modifying your tiki.tpl file to make it like the other. Looking at the default tiki.tpl file (again 1.9.7CVS version), I see that having the column-flipping links above (outside) the tiki-midtbl table is the standard arrangement. This difference seems significant, especially assuming the css code is the same.

-- Gary

posts: 5

Your solution worked. Thanks Gary.

I hate to chase an answer with a new ❓ but this also has me stumped. Why does the center column expand all the way under the hidden right menu but does not extend under the hidden left menu?