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Tikipedia: width of pull down menus

posts: 2 Italy

Dear All

I'm using Tikipedia, which looks great on Firefox, except a little problem:
the pull-down menus, like the show-categories menu displayed when editing a page,
shows a null width.
Is there something to edit in the CSS/tpl to correct that, or is it a problem with Firefox?


posts: 254 Japan

I've noticed this problem, too, in different themes. In fact just yesterday I happened to be working on another theme and was trying to figure out why it was happening. But what I noticed is that it happens with many themes on my WindowsXP laptop (using Reactor Server Apache/PHP/MySQL). When I upload the same files to a Linux server, the dropdown is OK.

What is the OS of your server? I'm curious if it's also Windows.

About the cause, I don't know yet. Even if I specify a width for the dropdown list, it appears empty, so this may be a PHP issue rather than on the theme level.

-- Gary

posts: 2 Italy

My server is a linux machine (indeed a linux machine hosting virtual servers).
I read tiki-wiki with firefox.

I've seen the following:
If I create a new page, the menu for choosing a categori as a null (or almost null) width. I can select (blindly) something. Then if I edit if again, I can see the full-sized menu (and correct my first choice). Something not initialized?
