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New Themes

New Themes

Zuka theme

posts: 254 Japan

The Zuka theme is now available for downloading, but I've noticed a few problems so there will be some replacement files in the Zuka theme gallery as things are fixed.

The first problem is that the IE javascript to enable the "Suckerfish" dropdown menus to work was messed up, so there is a new version of sos.js that should be put in the styles/zuka directory.

There may be other file replacements coming. Fairly soon there will be a Zuka_V1.01 that will include the updated files.

The files will be in CVS fairly soon, too.

I broke up the "New Themes" file gallery into a gallery for each theme so updates and related files for each theme could be kept together.

Sorry for the log-in problem. I'll post news and files here; for discussion, please use the tikiwiki.org Templates/CSS forum for now. Thanks.

-- Gary

posts: 254 Japan

I just installed MS Internet Explorer 7 on our home computer and had a chance to look at Zuka and the other themes. There's a number of things to fix, but I hope it won't take too long.

The other lite.css/simple.css-type themes mainly have one basic problem in IE7: the right column displays at the far left, on top of the left column. This should be fairly easy to straighten out.

By "other themes" I mean simple.css itself and some that I'm working on related to it, including Aalphadivs (for prototyping/learning only), Andreas09 (coming real soon), and others.

The thumbnails in the gallery pages can overlap the right column in IE7 in styles that don't have a table in the center column to contain the images, so this has to be fixed, and could be more difficult.

At first glance, Zuka has quite a few layout glitches in IE7 but hopefully they are mostly instances of one or a few problems and can be dealt with as a group.

-- Gary

posts: 254 Japan

Zuka 1.1 is now available in the file gallery. To fix the display in IE7, I used another conditional comment in the header, so that IE versions up to 6 get one CSS file, and IE7 gets another. IE7 doesn't need all the hacks IE6 does, but needs a few.

There is still a problem with the Zuka theme in IE7: the right page border isn't displaying. But at least now the columns are in the right places. The next step will be to fix that border.

-- Gary

posts: 1 United States
There is still a problem with the Zuka theme in IE7: the right page border isn't displaying. But at least now the columns are in the right places. The next step will be to fix that border.

Hi, any idea on when the "right column off page" might be fixed? I love Zuka and would really like to use it!

posts: 254 Japan

Zuka needs some basic changes to work in IE7, so I'm in the process of redoing Zuka and updating it, along with the other themes I've done, for Tiki 1.10. Sorry for the delay; shouldn't be much longer.

-- Gary