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Any way to get Site identity used here?

posts: 38 Canada

I realize it could look weird for certain themes.

How could we make it work? It would sure be nice that Site Identity be better known.

M 😊

posts: 254 Japan

I realize it could look weird for certain themes.

How could we make it work? It would sure be nice that Site Identity be better known.

M 😊

I haven't looked at Theme Identity much, but maybe two possibilities would be a) use a separate Tiki installation in a subdirectory or subdomain here and turn on the feature, and b) just modify theme templates of the current installation to emulate the result of activating Theme Identity and rename them as new themes, like "smartiki-ti.css". I'll try to do some experimenting.

-- Gary

posts: 38 Canada

Hi Gary!

I encourage you to experiment! This feature has a lot of potential to make it easier for site admins to adapt their Tiki site without modifying the templates.

Maybe the best would be to have a toggle switch to turn on & off the Site Identity feature.

Best regards,

M 😊

posts: 38 Canada
Please see: Site Identity demo

I turned it off for now, because it is not playing nice with some of the new themes.

posts: 254 Japan
Please see: Site Identity demo

I turned it off for now, because it is not playing nice with some of the new themes.

I found why the new themes' top bar was not displaying — the top bar was turned off on the Admin Features page. Duh 😉 — overlooking the obvious. The other (and remaining) problem is the conflict between two PHP Layers menus, since the new themes all have one already. I'll try to modify the site identity template to check for the theme and exclude the PHP layers menu for the new themes.

-- Gary

posts: 254 Japan

I realize it could look weird for certain themes.

M 😊

It looks like changes made for the Site Identity demo are having a bad effect on new themes — basically, everything above tiki-mid is removed for Tikipedia, Planetfall, Kubrick and Snow. I did some checking but haven't figured out the reason why yet. But I'll keep working on it. I activated Site Identity at another site and didn't have this problem.

In the meantime, people might need to switch to other themes to get all the menus, log-in box, etc.

UPDATE: At a Tiki 1.9.3 site, I added a {if $style neq 'snow.css' ....} statement to the condition for showing the Site Identity header, which worked there to allow those styles to keep their normal pagetops. But the same fix didn't work here.

I also tried putting an empty tiki-site_header.tpl file in templates/styles/snow/, but the normal Snow top_bar still didn't come back. I don't know what else activating Site Identity does so am not sure what to try fixing.

-- Gary